Switch-based Switch Discovery
Currently, xCAT supports switch based hardware discovery, the servers are identified through the switches and switch ports they are directly connected to. A similar method can be used to discover switches using switch-based discovery within the user defined dynamic IP range.
In order to do switch-based switch discovery, the admin
Needs to manually setup and configure core-switch, SNMP v3 needs to be enabled in order for xCAT access to it. username and userpassword attributes are for the remote login. It can be for ssh or telnet. If it is for telnet, set protocol to “telnet”. If the username is blank, the username and password will be retrieved from the passwd table with “switch” as the key. SNMP attributes will used for SNMPv3 communication. nodetype has to be set to “switch” to differentiate between switch-based node discovery or switch-based switch discovery. Refer to switches table attributes. Example of core-switch definition:
lsdef switch-10-5-23-1 Object name: switch-10-5-23-1 groups=switch ip= mac=ab:cd:ef:gh:dc mgt=switch nodetype=switch password=admin postbootscripts=otherpkgs postscripts=syslog,remoteshell,syncfiles protocol=telnet snmpauth=sha snmppassword=userpassword snmpusername=snmpadmin snmpversion=3 switchtype=BNT usercomment=IBM username=root
Predefine all top-rack switches which connect to core-switch. The attribute ip is static IP address for the switch. When
switchdiscover --setup
command is issued, this IP address will replace dhcp IP address on the switch. nodetype=switch needs to be set to differentiate between switch-based node discovery or switch-based switch discovery during discovery process. the attribute switch is hostname of core-switch and switchport is the port number in the core-switch that top-rack switch is connected to.lsdef switch-192-168-5-22 objtype=node groups=switch ip= mgt=switch nodetype=switch switch=switch-10-5-23-1 switchport=45 switchtype=BNT
Add switches to /etc/hosts for hostname lookup and xdsh command.
makehosts switch-192-168-5-23 makehosts switch-192-168-5-22
Setup Dynamic IP range in network table for discovered switches to use.
# tabdump networks #netname,net,mask,mgtifname,gateway,dhcpserver,tftpserver,nameservers,ntpservers,logservers,dynamicrange,staticrange,staticrangeincrement,nodehostname,ddnsdomain,vlanid,domain,mtu,comments,disable "192_168_0_0-255_255_0_0","","","enP4p1s0f2","<xcatmaster>",,"",,,,"",,,,,,,,,
dhcp should be restarted after setting up dynamic IP range.
Discover Switches
Only BNT and Mellanox switches are supported for switch-based switch discovery
xCAT can automatically discover switches that are connected to the defined subnets from the management node using the switchdiscover
For switch-based switch discovery, use the --setup
switchdiscover [noderange|--range ip_ranges][-s scan_methods] [--setup]
The --setup
option will perform the following steps:
Scan the IP range using
to find all switches that respond. The available switches will be stored into the switch hash table withhostname
, and vendor information.Based on MAC address for each switch defined in the hash table, call find_mac subroutine. The find_mac subroutine will go thought the switch and switch ports and find matched mac address.
If discovered switch didn’t find any predefined switch matches, it will log the message
NO predefined switch matched
.If discovered switch matched with one of pre-defined switch, it will update the predefined switch with
otherinterface=x.x.x.x (discovered ip) state=matched switchtype=type of switch usercomment=vendor information
If the switches are matched, the
command will execute the following scripts to configure static IP address, hostname, and enable the snmpv3./opt/xcat/share/xcat/scripts/configBNT
After discovery process the predefined node attribute in the xCAT database will be updated.
lsdef switch-192-168-5-22 groups=switch ip= mac=a8:97:dc:02:92:00 mgt=switch nodetype=switch password=admin postbootscripts=otherpkgs postscripts=syslog,remoteshell,syncfiles protocol=telnet snmpauth=sha snmppassword=xcatadminpassw0rd@snmp snmpusername=xcatadmin snmpversion=3 status=hostname_configured statustime=08-31-2016 15:35:49 supportedarchs=ppc64 switch=switch-10-5-23-1 switchport=45 switchtype=BNT usercomment=IBM Networking Operating System RackSwitch G8052 username=root
Refer to Discovering Switches for more info.
Configure switches
The switchdiscover command with --setup
flag will set up switches with static IP address, change the hostname from predefine switches and enable snmpv3 configuration. For other switches configuration, refer to Configure Ethernet Switches and IB Switch Configuration.
These two config files are located in the /opt/xcat/share/xcat/scripts directory. The switchdiscover process will call the config files with --all
option. User can call these scripts to setup one of options manually.
configBNT is for configure BNT switches.
./configBNT --help Usage: configBNT [-?│-h│--help] configBNT [--switches switchnames] [--all] configBNT [--switches switchnames] [--ip] configBNT [--switches switchnames] [--name ] configBNT [--switches switchnames] [--snmp] [--user snmp_user] [--password snmp_password] [--group snmp_group] configBNT [--switches switchnames] [--port port] [--vlan vlan]
configMellanox is for configuring Mellanox switch. The script will configure ntp service on the switch with xCAT MN and will use rspconfig command to
enable ssh
enable snmp function on the switch
enable the snmp trap
set logging destination to xCAT MN
./configMellanox --help Usage: configMellonax [-?│-h│--help] configMellonax [--switches switchnames] [--all] configMellonax [--switches switchnames] [--ip] configMellonax [--switches switchnames] [--name] configMellonax [--switches switchnames] [--config]
Switch Status
During the switch-based switch discovery process, there are four states displayed. User may only see switch_configured status on node definition if discovery process successfully finished.
Matched — Discovered switch is matched to predefine switch, otherinterfaces attribute is updated to dhcp IP address, and mac address, switch type and usercomment also updated with vendor information for the predefined switch.
ip_configured — switch is set up to static IP address based on predefine switch IP address. If failure to set up IP address, the status will stay as Matched.
hostname_configured – switch host name is changed based on predefine switch hostname. If failure to change hostname on the switch, the status will stay as ip_configured.
switch_configured – snmpv3 is setup for the switches. This should be finial status after running switchdiscover --setup
command. If failure to setup snmpv3, the status will stay as hostname_configured.