

xdcp - Concurrently copies files to or from multiple nodes. In addition, provides an option to use rsync to update the files on the managed nodes, or to an installation image on the local node.


xdcp noderange [[-B | --bypass] [-f fanout] [-L] [-l userID] [-o node_options] [-p] [-P] [-r *node remote copy command] [**-R**] [**-t** *timeout*] [**-T**] [**-v**] [**-q**] [**-X** *env_list*] *sourcefile…. targetpath**

xdcp noderange [-F rsynclist input file] [-r node remote copy command]

xdcp computenoderange [-s -F synclist input file] [-r node remote copy command]

xdcp [-i install image] [-F synclist input file] [-r node remote copy command]

xdcp [-h | -V | -q]


The xdcp command concurrently copies files to or from remote target nodes. The command issues a remote copy command for each node or device specified. When files are pulled from a target, they are placed into the targetpath with the name of the remote node or device appended to the copied sourcefile name. The /usr/bin/rcp command is the model for syntax and security. If using hierarchy, then xdcp runs on the service node that is servicing the compute node. The file will first be copied to the path defined in the site table, SNsyncfiledir attribute, or the default path /var/xcat/syncfiles on the service node, if the attribute is not defined. The -P flag will not automatically copy the files from the compute node to the Management node, hierarchically. There is a two step process, see -P flag. If the Management Node is target node, it must be defined in the xCAT database with nodetype=mn. When the xdcp command runs with the Management Node as the target, it does not use remote commands but uses the local OS copy (cp) command.


A user_ID can be specified for the remote copy command. Remote user specification is identical for the xdcp and xdsh commands. See the xdsh command for more information.


The xdcp command uses a configurable remote copy command to execute remote copies on remote targets. Support is explicitly provided for Remote Shell rcp command, the OpenSSH scp command and the /usr/bin/rsync command.

For node targets, the remote copy command is determined by the following order of precedence:

  1. The -r flag.
  2. The /usr/bin/rsync command.


The maximum number of concurrent remote copy command processes (the fanout) can be specified with the -f flag or the DSH_FANOUT environment variable. The fanout is only restricted by the number of remote shell commands that can be run in parallel. You can experiment with the DSH_FANOUT value on your management server to see if higher values are appropriate.

A timeout value for remote copy command execution can be specified with the -t flag or DSH_TIMEOUT environment variable. If any remote target does not respond within the timeout value, the xdcp command displays an error message and exits.

The -T flag provides diagnostic trace information for xdcp command execution. Default settings and the actual remote copy commands that are executed to the remote targets are displayed.

The xdcp command can be executed silently using the -Q flag; no target standard output or standard error is displayed.



Specifies the complete path for the file to be copied to or from the target. Multiple files can be specified. When used with the -R flag, only a single directory can be specified. When used with the -P flag, only a single file can be specified.


If one source file, then it specifies the file to copy the source file to on the target. If multiple source files, it specifies the directory to copy the source files to on the target. If the -P flag is specified, the targetpath is the local host location for the copied files. The remote file directory structure is recreated under targetpath and the remote target name is appended to the copied sourcefile name in the targetpath directory. Note: the targetpath directory must exist.

-B | --bypass

Runs in bypass mode, use if the xcatd daemon is not responding.

-f | --fanout fanout_value

Specifies a fanout value for the maximum number of concurrently executing remote shell processes. Serial execution can be specified by indicating a fanout value of 1. If -f is not specified, a default fanout value of 64 is used.

-F | --File synclist input file

Specifies the path to the file that will be used to build the rsync command. The format of the input file is described here: <https://xcat-docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guides/admin-guides/manage_clusters/common/deployment/syncfile/syncfile_synclist_file.html>

On Linux rsync always uses ssh remoteshell. On AIX, ssh or rsh is used depending on the site.useSSHonAIX table attribute.

-h | --help

Displays usage information.

-i | --rootimg install image

Specifies the path to the install image on the local Linux node.

-o | --node-options node_options

Specifies options to pass to the remote shell command for node targets. The options must be specified within double quotation marks (“”) to distinguish them from xdcp options.

-p | --preserve

Preserves the source file characteristics as implemented by the configured remote copy command.

-P | --pull

Pulls (copies) the files from the targets and places them in the targetpath directory on the local host. The targetpathmust be a directory. Files pulled from remote machines have ._target appended to the file name to distinguish between them. When the -P flag is used with the -R flag, ._target is appended to the directory. Only one file per invocation of the xdcp pull command can be pulled from the specified targets. In hierarchy, you must first pull the file to the service node and then pull the file to the management node.

-q | --show-config

Displays the current environment settings for all DSH Utilities commands. This includes the values of all environment variables and settings for all currently installed and valid contexts. Each setting is prefixed with context: to identify the source context of the setting.

-r | --node-rcp node remote copy command

Specifies the full path of the remote copy command used for syncing files to node targets, such as /usr/bin/rsync or /usr/bin/scp. If not specified, rsync will be used by default.

Note: The synclist processing for -r /usr/bin/scp has some differences with -r /usr/bin/rsync:

  1. the EXECUTE clause in synclist file is not supported with -r /usr/bin/scp flag
  2. if the destination directory specified in synclist file is an existing file on target node, xdcp -r /usr/bin/scp will fail with “scp: <destination directory>: Not a directory”
  3. if the destination file specified in synclist file is an existing directory on target node, xdcp -r /usr/bin/scp will fail with “scp: <destination file>: Is a directory”

-R | --recursive recursive

Recursively copies files from a local directory to the remote targets, or when specified with the -P flag, recursively pulls (copies) files from a remote directory to the local host. A single source directory can be specified using the sourcefile parameter.

-s synch service nodes

Will only sync the files listed in the synclist (-F), to the service nodes for the input compute node list. The files will be placed in the directory defined by the site.SNsyncfiledir table attribute, or the default /var/xcat/syncfiles directory.

-t | --timeout timeout

Specifies the time, in seconds, to wait for output from any currently executing remote targets. If no output is available from any target in the specified timeout, xdsh displays an error and terminates execution for the remote targets that failed to respond. If timeout is not specified, xdsh waits indefinitely to continue processing output from all remote targets. When specified with the -i flag, the user is prompted for an additional timeout interval to wait for output.

-T | --trace

Enables trace mode. The xdcp command prints diagnostic messages to standard output during execution to each target.

-v | --verify

Verifies each target before executing any remote commands on the target. If a target is not responding, execution of remote commands for the target is canceled.

-V | --version

Displays the xdcp command version information.

Environment Variables


Specifies a file that contains environment variable definitions to export to the target before executing the remote command. This variable is overridden by the -E flag.


Specifies the fanout value. This variable is overridden by the -f flag.


Specifies the options to use for the remote shell command with node targets only. This variable is overridden by the -o flag.


Specifies the full path of the remote copy command to use to copy local scripts and local environment configuration files to node targets.


Specifies the full path of the remote shell to use for remote command execution on node targets. This variable is overridden by the -r flag.


Specifies a colon-separated list of directories that contain node group files for the DSH context. When the -a flag is specified in the DSH context, a list of unique node names is collected from all node group files in the path.


Sets the command path to use on the targets. If DSH_PATH is not set, the default path defined in the profile of the remote user_ID is used.


Specifies the shell syntax to use on remote targets; ksh or csh. If not specified, the ksh syntax is assumed. This variable is overridden by the -S flag.


Specifies the time, in seconds, to wait for output from each remote target. This variable is overridden by the -t flag.

Exit Status

Exit values for each remote copy command execution are displayed in messages from the xdcp command, if the remote copy command exit value is non-zero. A non-zero return code from a remote copy command indicates that an error was encountered during the remote copy. If a remote copy command encounters an error, execution of the remote copy on that target is bypassed.

The xdcp command exit code is 0, if the xdcp command executed without errors and all remote copy commands finished with exit codes of 0. If internal xdcp errors occur or the remote copy commands do not complete successfully, the xdcp command exit value is greater than 0.


The xdcp command has no security configuration requirements. All remote command security requirements - configuration, authentication, and authorization - are imposed by the underlying remote command configured for xdsh. The command assumes that authentication and authorization is configured between the local host and the remote targets. Interactive password prompting is not supported; an error is displayed and execution is bypassed for a remote target if password prompting occurs, or if either authorization or authentication to the remote target fails. Security configurations as they pertain to the remote environment and remote shell command are userdefined.


1. To copy the /etc/hosts file from all nodes in the cluster to the /tmp/hosts.dir directory on the local host, enter:

xdcp all -P /etc/hosts /tmp/hosts.dir

A suffix specifying the name of the target is appended to each file name. The contents of the /tmp/hosts.dir directory are similar to:

hosts._node1   hosts._node4   hosts._node7
hosts._node2   hosts._node5   hosts._node8
hosts._node3   hosts._node6

2. To copy the directory /var/log/testlogdir from all targets in NodeGroup1 with a fanout of 12, and save each directory on the local host as /var/log._target, enter:

xdcp NodeGroup1 -f 12 -RP /var/log/testlogdir /var/log

3. To copy /localnode/smallfile and /tmp/bigfile to B/tmp on node1 using rsync and input -t flag to rsync, enter:

xdcp node1 -r /usr/bin/rsync -o "-t" /localnode/smallfile /tmp/bigfile /tmp

4. To copy the /etc/hosts file from the local host to all the nodes in the cluster, enter:

xdcp all /etc/hosts /etc/hosts

5. To copy all the files in /tmp/testdir from the local host to all the nodes in the cluster, enter:

xdcp all /tmp/testdir/* /tmp/testdir

6. To copy all the files in /tmp/testdir and it’s subdirectories from the local host to node1 in the cluster, enter:

xdcp node1 -R /tmp/testdir /tmp/testdir

7. To copy the /etc/hosts file from node1 and node2 to the /tmp/hosts.dir directory on the local host, enter:

xdcp node1,node2 -P /etc/hosts /tmp/hosts.dir
  1. To rsync the /etc/hosts file to your compute nodes:

First create a syncfile /tmp/myrsync, with this line:

/etc/hosts -> /etc/hosts


/etc/hosts -> /etc/    (last / is required)

Then run:

xdcp compute -F /tmp/myrsync
  1. To rsync all the files in /home/mikev to the compute nodes:

First create a rsync file /tmp/myrsync, with this line:

/home/mikev/* -> /home/mikev/      (last / is required)

Then run:

xdcp compute -F /tmp/myrsync
  1. To rsync to the compute nodes, using service nodes:

First create a rsync file /tmp/myrsync, with this line:

/etc/hosts /etc/passwd -> /etc


/etc/hosts /etc/passwd -> /etc/

Then run:

xdcp compute -F /tmp/myrsync

11. To rsync to the service nodes in preparation for rsyncing the compute nodes during an install from the service node.

First create a rsync file /tmp/myrsync, with this line:

/etc/hosts /etc/passwd -> /etc

Then run:

xdcp compute -s -F /tmp/myrsync
  1. To rsync the /etc/file1 and file2 to your compute nodes and rename to filex and filey:

First create a rsync file /tmp/myrsync, with these line:

/etc/file1 -> /etc/filex

/etc/file2 -> /etc/filey

Then run:

xdcp compute -F /tmp/myrsync

to update the Compute Nodes

  1. To rsync files in the Linux image at /install/netboot/fedora9/x86_64/compute/rootimg on the MN:

First create a rsync file /tmp/myrsync, with this line:

/etc/hosts /etc/passwd -> /etc

Then run:

xdcp -i /install/netboot/fedora9/x86_64/compute/rootimg -F /tmp/myrsync
  1. To define the Management Node in the database so you can use xdcp, run
xcatconfig -m



xdsh(1)|xdsh.1, noderange(3)|noderange.3