Configure Ethernet Network Interface

The following example sets the xCAT properties for compute node cn1 to create:

  • Compute node cn1 with two physical NICs: eth0 and eth1
  • Management network is, application network is
  • The install NIC is eth0, and application NIC is eth1
  • Assign static ip to eth0
  • Assign static ip to eth1

Add/update networks into the xCAT DB

Add/update additional networks net11 and net13 into networks table:

chdef -t network net11 net= mask=
chdef -t network net13 net= mask=

Note: MTU can be customized as mtu in networks table for specified network.

Define Adapters in the nics table

  1. Provision ip is coming from DHCP, there is no need to configure install nic into nics table. Provision ip can be configured in node definition, but it is not required.

    chdef cn1 ip=
  2. Data NIC eth1 is not install NIC, configure eth1 into nics table

    chdef cn1 nicips.eth1="" nicnetworks.eth1="net13" nictypes.eth1="Ethernet" nichostnamesuffixes.eth1=-eth2

Update /etc/hosts

  1. Run the makehosts command to add the new configuration to the /etc/hosts file.

    makehosts cn1
  2. Check /etc/hosts

    cat /etc/hosts cn1 cn1-eth1

Configure adapters with static IPs

  1. Execute confignetwork -s to configure both provision ip and application data ip as static

    1. Add confignetwork -s into postscript list to execute on reboot

      chdef cn1 -p postscripts="confignetwork -s"
    2. If the compute node is already running, use updatenode command to run confignetwork -s postscript without rebooting the node

      updatenode cn1 -P "confignetwork -s"
  2. If install NIC is not configured in nics table, and only configure all other NIC’s data defined in nics table, execute confignetwork without -s

    1. Add confignetwork into postscript list to execute on reboot

      chdef cn1 -p postscripts="confignetwork"
    2. If the compute node is already running, use updatenode command to run confignetwork postscript without rebooting the node

      updatenode cn1 -P "confignetwork"

Notes: Option “-s” writes the install NIC’s information into configuration file for persistence. All other NIC’s data defined in nics table will be written also. Without option “-s”, confignetwork only configures all NIC’s data defined in nics table.

Check result

  1. Use xdsh cn1 "ip addr" to check eth0 and eth1
  2. Check ifcfg-eth0 and ifcfg-eth1 under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/