Configure Bridge Based On Ethernet NIC

The following example set the xCAT properties for compute node cn1 to create:

  • Compute node cn1 has one physical NIC: eth1
  • User wants to confgure 1 bridge br1 based on eth1
  • Assign ip to br0

Add network object into the networks table

Add/modify the network net30 in the networks table

chdef -t network net30 net= mask=

Define attributes in the nics table

  1. Compute node cn1 has one physical NIC: eth1

    chdef cn1 nictypes.eth1=ethernet
  2. Define bridge br1 based on eth1

    chdef cn1 nictypes.br1=bridge nicdevices.br1="eth1"
    chdef cn1 nicips.br1=
  3. Define nicnetworks for br1

    chdef cn1 nicnetworks.br1=net30

Enable confignetwork to configure bridge

  1. If add confignetwork into the node’s postscripts list, confignetwork will be executed during OS deployment on compute node

    chdef cn1 -p postscripts=confignetwork
  2. Or if the compute node is already running, use updatenode command to run confignetwork postscript

    updatenode cn1 -P confignetwork

Verify Bridge

Login to compute node cn1 and check configure files in ifcfg-br1 under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/


Check ifcfg-eth1 under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/


Use ip addr command to check if br1, eth0.6 and eth0.7 are correct.