Cumulus OS Upgrade

The Cumulus OS on the ONIE switches can be upgraded using one of the following methods:

Full Install

Perform a full install from the .bin file of the new Cumulus Linux OS version, using ONIE.

Note: Make sure you back up all your data and configuration files as the binary install will erase all previous configuration.

  1. Place the binary image under /install on the xCAT MN node.

    In this example, IP= is the IP on the Management Node.

    mkdir -p /install/onie/
    cp cumulus-linux-3.4.1.bin /install/onie/
  2. Invoke the upgrade on the switches using xdsh:

    xdsh switch1 "/usr/cumulus/bin/onie-install -a -f -i \ && reboot"

    Note: The full upgrade process may run 30 minutes or longer.

  3. After upgrading, the license should be installed, see Activate the License for details.

  4. Restore your data and configuration files on the switch.

Update Changed Packages

This is the preferred method for upgrading the switch OS for incremental OS updates.

Create Local Mirror

If the switches do not have access to the public Internet, you can create a local mirror of the Cumulus Linux repo.

  1. Create a local mirror on the Management Node:

    mkdir -p /install/mirror/cumulus
    cd /install/mirror/cumulus
    wget -m --no-parent
  2. Create a sources.list file to point to the local repo on the Management node. In this example, IP= is the IP on the Management Node.

    # cat /tmp/sources.list
    deb CumulusLinux-3 cumulus upstream
    deb-src CumulusLinux-3 cumulus upstream
    deb CumulusLinux-3-security-updates cumulus upstream
    deb-src CumulusLinux-3-security-updates cumulus upstream
    deb CumulusLinux-3-updates cumulus upstream
    deb-src CumulusLinux-3-updates cumulus upstream
  3. Distribute the sources.list file to your switches using xdcp.

    xdcp switch1 /tmp/sources.list  /etc/apt/sources.list

Invoke the Update

  1. Use xCAT xdsh to invoke the update:

    # A reboot may be needed after the upgrade
    xdsh switch1 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && reboot'
  2. Check in /etc/os-release file to verify that the OS has been upgraded.