Configure xCAT Software Repository

xCAT software and repo files can be obtained from:

Internet Repository


For the xCAT build you want to install, download the xCAT-core.repo file and copy to /etc/yum.repos.d


From the xCAT-dep Online Repository, navigate to the correct subdirectory for the target machine and download the xCAT-dep.repo file and copy to /etc/yum.repos.d.

If using internet repositories, continue to the next step to install xCAT.

Local Repository


  1. Download xcat-core:

    # downloading the latest development build, core-rpms-snap.tar.bz2
    mkdir -p ~/xcat
    cd ~/xcat/
  2. Extract xcat-core:

    tar jxvf core-rpms-snap.tar.bz2
  3. Configure the local repository for xcat-core by running script in the xcat-core directory:

    cd ~/xcat/xcat-core


Unless you are downloading xcat-dep to match a specific package tested with a GA release, it’s recommended to download the latest version of xcat-dep.

  1. Download xcat-dep:

    # if downloading xcat-dep from June 11, 2015, xcat-dep-201506110324.tar.bz2
    mkdir -p ~/xcat/
    cd ~/xcat
  2. Extract xcat-dep:

    tar jxvf xcat-dep-201506110324.tar.bz2
  3. Configure the local repository for xcat-dep by switching to the architecture and os subdirectory of the node you are installing on, then run the script:

    cd ~/xcat/xcat-dep/
    # Example, on redhat 7.1 ppc64le: cd rh7/ppc64le
    cd <os>/<arch>