UFM Configuration
UFM server are just regular Linux boxes with UFM installed. xCAT can help install and configure the UFM servers. The XCAT mn can send remote command to UFM through xdsh. It can also collect SNMP traps and syslogs from the UFM servers.
Setup xdsh to UFM and backup
Assume we have two hosts with UFM installed, called host1 and host2. First define the two hosts in the xCAT cluster. Usually the network that the UFM hosts are in a different than the compute nodes, make sure to assign correct servicenode and xcatmaster in the noderes table. And also make sure to assign correct os and arch values in the nodetype table for the UFM hosts. For example:
mkdef -t node -o host1,host2 groups=ufm,all os=sles11.1 arch=x86_64 servicenode= xcatmaster=
Then exchange the SSH key so that it can run xdsh.
xdsh host1,host2 -K
Now we can run xdsh on the UFM hosts.
xdsh ufm date
Consolidate syslogs
Run the following command to make the UFM hosts to send the syslogs to the xCAT mn:
updatenode ufm -P syslog
To test, run the following commands on the UFM hosts and see if the xCAT MN receives the new messages in /var/log/messages
logger xCAT "This is a test"
Send SNMP traps to xCAT Management Node
You need to have the Advanced License for UFM in order to send SNMP traps.
Copy the mib file to
directory on the mn.scp ufmhost:/opt/ufm/files/conf/vol_ufm3_0.mib /usr/share/snmp/mibs
Where ufmhost is the host where UFM is installed.
On the UFM host, open the /opt/ufm/conf/gv.cfg configuration file. Under the [Notifications] line, set
snmp_listeners = <IP Address 1>[:<port 1>][,<IP Address 2>[:<port 2>].]
The default port is 162. For example:
ssh ufmhost
vi /opt/ufm/conf/gv.cfg
snmp_listeners =
Where is the ip address of the management node.
On the UFM host, restart the ufmd
service ufmd restart
From UFM GUI, click on the “Config” tab; bring up the “Event Management” Policy Table. Then select the SNMP check boxes for the events you are interested in to enable the system to send an SNMP traps for these events. Click “OK”.
Make sure snmptrapd is up and running on mn and all monitoring servers.
It should have the ‘-m ALL’ flag.
ps -ef |grep snmptrapd
root 31866 1 0 08:44 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/snmptrapd -m ALL
If it is not running, then run the following commands:
monadd snmpmon
monstart snmpmon