Set attributes in the site table

  1. Verify the following attributes have been correctly set in the xCAT site table.

    • domain

    • forwarders

    • master [1]

    • nameservers

    For more information on the keywords, see the DHCP ATTRIBUTES in the site table.

    If the fields are not set or need to be changed, use the xCAT chdef command:

    chdef -t site domain="domain_string"
    chdef -t site fowarders="forwarders"
    chdef -t site master="xcat_master_ip"
    chdef -t site nameservers="nameserver1,nameserver2,etc"

Initialize DNS services

  1. Initialize the DNS [2] services on the xCAT Management Node:

    makedns -n

    Verify DNS is working by running nslookup against your Management Node:

    nslookup <management_node_hostname>

    For more information on DNS, refer to Cluster Name Resolution