Ubuntu 14.04.3

Diskful images

The following examples will create diskful images for cudafull and cudaruntime. The osimage definitions will be created from the base ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-install-compute osimage.

xCAT provides a sample package list files for CUDA. You can find them at:

  • /opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/ubuntu/cudafull.ubuntu14.04.3.ppc64el.pkglist

  • /opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/ubuntu/cudaruntime.ubuntu14.04.3.ppc64el.pkglist

[diskful note]: There is a requirement to reboot the machine after the CUDA drivers are installed. To satisfy this requirement, the CUDA software is installed in the pkglist attribute of the osimage definition where the reboot happens after the Operating System is installed.


  1. Create a copy of the install-compute image and label it cudafull:

    lsdef -t osimage -z ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-install-compute \
      | sed 's/install-compute:/install-cudafull:/' \
      | mkdef -z
  2. Add the CUDA repo created in the previous step to the pkgdir attribute.

    If your Management Node IP is, the URL for the repo would be, add it to the pkgdir:

    chdef -t osimage -o ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-install-cudafull \
     -p pkgdir=

    TODO: Need to add Ubuntu Port? “http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports trusty main,http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports trusty-updates main”

  3. Use the provided cudafull pkglist to install the CUDA packages:

    chdef -t osimage -o ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-install-cudafull \


  1. Create a copy of the install-compute image and label it cudaruntime:

    lsdef -t osimage -z ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-install-compute \
      | sed 's/install-compute:/install-cudaruntime:/' \
      | mkdef -z
  2. Add the CUDA repo created in the previous step to the pkgdir attribute:

    If your Management Node IP is, the URL for the repo would be, add it to the pkgdir:

    chdef -t osimage -o ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-install-cudaruntime \
     -p pkgdir=

    TODO: Need to add Ubuntu Port? “http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports trusty main,http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports trusty-updates main”

  3. Use the provided cudaruntime pkglist to install the CUDA packages:

    chdef -t osimage -o ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-install-cudaruntime \

Diskless images

The following examples will create diskless images for cudafull and cudaruntime. The osimage definitions will be created from the base ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-netboot-compute osimage.

xCAT provides a sample package list files for CUDA. You can find them at:

  • /opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/ubuntu/cudafull.ubuntu14.04.3.ppc64el.pkglist

  • /opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/ubuntu/cudaruntime.ubuntu14.04.3.ppc64el.pkglist

[diskless note]: For diskless images, the requirement for rebooting the machine is not applicable because the images is loaded on each reboot. The install of the CUDA packages is required to be done in the otherpkglist NOT the pkglist.


  1. Create a copy of the netboot-compute image and label it cudafull:

    lsdef -t osimage -z ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-netboot-compute \
      | sed 's/netboot-compute:/netboot-cudafull:/' \
      | mkdef -z
  2. Add the CUDA repo created in the previous step to the otherpkgdir attribute.

    If your Management Node IP is, the URL for the repo would be, add it to the otherpkgdir:

    chdef -t osimage -o ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-netboot-cudafull \
  3. Add the provided cudafull otherpkg.pkglist file to install the CUDA packages:

    chdef -t osimage -o ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-netboot-cudafull \

    TODO: Need to add Ubuntu Port? “http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports trusty main,http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports trusty-updates main”

  4. Verify that acpid is installed on the Management Node or on the Ubuntu host where you are generating the diskless image:

    apt-get install -y acpid
  5. Generate the image:

    genimage ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-netboot-cudafull
  6. Package the image:

    packimage ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-netboot-cudafull


  1. Create a copy of the netboot-compute image and label it cudaruntime:

    lsdef -t osimage -z ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-netboot-compute \
      | sed 's/netboot-compute:/netboot-cudaruntime:/' \
      | mkdef -z
  2. Add the CUDA repo created in the previous step to the otherpkgdir attribute.

    If your Management Node IP is, the URL for the repo would be, add it to the otherpkgdir:

    chdef -t osimage -o ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-netboot-cudaruntime  \
  3. Add the provided cudaruntime otherpkg.pkglist file to install the CUDA packages:

    chdef -t osimage -o ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-netboot-cudaruntime \

    TODO: Need to add Ubuntu Port? “http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports trusty main,http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports trusty-updates main”

  4. Verify that acpid is installed on the Management Node or on the Ubuntu host where you are generating the diskless image:

    apt-get install -y acpid
  5. Generate the image:

    genimage ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-netboot-cudaruntime
  6. Package the image:

    packimage ubuntu14.04.3-ppc64el-netboot-cudaruntime